Proud member of the “AM Crew!”
Chris's CrossFit journey started over a year ago. In that time, he's gotten not only physically stronger, but his time on the ice playing hockey is better all around! He's achieved his goals of becoming [...]
Chris's CrossFit journey started over a year ago. In that time, he's gotten not only physically stronger, but his time on the ice playing hockey is better all around! He's achieved his goals of becoming [...]
Did you know that by the time you realize you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated? The human body is over 60% water. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day is necessary to maintain [...]
2016 CrossFit Games winner Mathew Fraser is back again this year to defend his title. Fraser takes 1st place in the Open this year. Will he go on to win the Games again? Stay tuned! [...]
In 2015 and 2016, Sara Sigmundsdottir came in 3rd place in the CrossFit Games. This year, she's starting off with 1st place in the Open. Will this year be her year to finally snatch 1st [...]
Our newest Member Spotlight is on Sarah! Sarah, hailing from Billerica, is a self-proclaimed corgi & hedgehog enthusiast. Though one of our newest members at CFE, she is already impressing us with her drive! [...]
Our newest Member Spotlight is on Melissa! Melissa, a Burlington resident and Harvard graduate, has been a member since September 2016. She recently competed in the CrossFit Open and did awesome! We asked her some [...]
What adds mass amounts of muscle, strengthens your core & can help you get a lot stronger? Deadlifts! At CFE, we will help you perfect them. Why deadlifts? Deadlifts are great to help strengthen and [...]
CrossFit will not make you "bulky." Sometimes we hear women talking about how they are afraid CrossFit will make them look "too bulky" or "too big." In fact, CrossFit can help you tone up, slim [...]
It’s that time of year again — the holidays have ended and it’s the season of New Year’s Resolutions. Is it your goal to get fitter in 2017, but you don’t know where to turn? [...]
Want to start 2017 by getting out of your comfort zone? Register for the CrossFit Open! Join fellow athletes in one of the largest CrossFit community events in this five-week long competition, beginning on February [...]