CrossFit and the sport of CrossFit
Whether CrossFit is new to you or not, there are some common areas that we all need to consider including listening to your body, your injuries (old or new) and understanding how much volume your [...]
Whether CrossFit is new to you or not, there are some common areas that we all need to consider including listening to your body, your injuries (old or new) and understanding how much volume your [...]
There’s never a bad time to find some more goodies to get sent to you in the mail . . . especially when that something is a CrossFit monthly subscription box! Previously we told you [...]
We stumbled upon something pretty cool while looking for paleo recipes. It’s called PaleoExpress and it’s a special kind of vending machine. Instead of offering M&Ms, potato chips and Cheetos, it strictly vends fresh paleo [...]
Well, that's subjective of course, but there sure are some that show up on many people's lists. Most difficult moves? This article suggests they are double-unders, muscle-ups, and handstand push-ups. This article lists the toughest WODs as [...]
Are you new to CrossFit? Looking for some tips? Check out this list of the "Top Tips For Your First Two Years of CrossFit" from the Tabata Times. The list cites coach John Matzner from [...]
One of the most common problems I see or hear complaints about is the barbell crashing in the clean (and even in the snatch to a lesser extent). There are two very simple ways to [...]
This Northeastern University alum, Burlington native, sports girl and competitive power-lifter is one to watch! Here’s what Jordan has to say about CFE: "Crossfit Exclamation rocks! Great atmosphere, coaches, and equipment here. A very clean [...]
2015 has been a great year for Erin. She’s made some great goals and already accomplished some of them. We’re so happy that she’s part of our family here at CFE. Inspirational? Yeah, she’s got [...]
A point I try to emphasize in all of my seminars is that it’s generally easier and more effective to teach athletes’ bodies what to do than to teach their brains. That is, if you [...]
Stand up and hang out for a moment. Now consider the muscles around your knees—are they tight and fighting to keep your knee from suddenly bending under the weight of your body? Probably not. We [...]