Setting SMART Goals and resolutionsHave I ever made New Year’s resolutions? I’m not sure, but I do set goals. Do you?

Setting goals is a terrific exercise and it’s pretty powerful from New Year’s into January. Goals help guide your personal life and work life, mark milestones in your progress and make room for the next step.

Here are a few tips for setting your goals:

  • Set a goal that is achievable. How about “try CrossFit” instead of running a marathon?
  • Break your goal down into parts that you can accomplish. Make sure it’s measurable and that it has meaning to you so you’ll want to “check it off of your to-do list.” How about “lose 5 pounds a month” instead of “lose 30 pounds?”
  • Make a plan to achieve your goal. What do you need to do to make it happen?
  • Start now. Want to get stronger? Start today. Lose weight? Start today.

Make 2016 a great year! Take some time to plan (write it down, tell your friends) and then give the plan your effort and dedication. We know you can do it!

Ready to get started on your fitness goals? Join CFE now.