Michelle and her two daughters, Martika and Aaliyah, have just recently finished the Couch to CrossFit program together, making fitness a family activity! Michelle is a Health Coach from Medford who has, in addition to her two girls, a dog and three cats. Couch to CrossFit has helped Michelle gain confidence in her ability to push herself to achieve her goals, and we are so happy for her and her family!

Here’s a little more about Michelle…


Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
A: 6 weeks

Q: Describe your biggest milestone, achievement, or “A-Ha” moment.
A: Achievement : finishing a whole workout

Q: What is your favorite CrossFit workout? Favorite exercise/skill?
A: kettle bell swings

Q: If there were any CrossFit movement you could choose never to do again, what would it be?
A: burpee

Q: If there were a WOD named after you, what would it have in it?
A: Rowing, wallballs and deadlifts

Q: What is your favorite cheat meal?
A: Anything sweet!

Q: How has CrossFit enriched your life outside the gym?
A: Well, I lost my husband and exercising has given me a reason to get out of bed everyday. It has been so helpful mentally and physically! So far I have a noticeable increase in energy as well as feeling confident that I can push myself to achieve my goals. Joining CrossFit with my daughters has really helped us grow together!

Q: What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear these words?
A: WOD: please be AMRAPs

FRAN: one day

BURPEE: just do it

STRENGTH: yes!!!

LOVE: my girlies

Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: Every day is a good day

Q: One interesting fact about yourself not related to CrossFit:
A: I’m pastry chef

Q: Do you have any advice for people just getting started or new to CrossFit?
A: Stick with it!

Q: Complete the sentence: “CrossFit should………”
A: CrossFit should be a part of my life.